Box 1
Contains 50 Results:
West Virginia Education Association and National Education Association, 1950–1973
Newspaper articles: WV Education Association (WVEA) Executive Committee meeting, the National Education Association (NEA) and the need for minority teachers; and recommendations from the Black Caucus, WV School Journal, December 15, 1973. Photograph of Blacks in auditorium seating, ca. 1950s
West Virginia State College Post Card and Commencement Programs, ca. 1910-1951
Multiple facsimiles of a post card picturing Albert Long, "Bertie" -- Aunt Onie's Son. West Virginia State College Commencement Programs: 1948, 1950, 1951
Travel to Egypt, 1987 February 23–1987 July 5
Information sheets and travel plans for trip to Egypt, July 5, 1987, sponsored by WVSC. Passport and Visa information written on folder.
West Virginia State College: History, ca. 1970s
Various versions of text for a multi-media program on the history of West Virginia State College (WVSC) and Institute, WV
Hilltop School, 1974 October 7
Letter to Edmonia Grider from Marjorie [Counts] regarding the Hilltop School, October 7, 1974.
Maps of Slavery, 1850–2011
West Virginia map. "Number of Slaves in Counties Which Became WV" 1850, 1860. Typescript of Historical Atlas of West Virginia by Frank S. Riddel.
Memphis Tennessee Garrison: Oral History, 1999-ca. 2001
Typed manuscripts, 1-14 parts, of 1968 oral history interview with Garrison by Bernard Cleveland, with AB notes and Post-it-Note tabs.
Memphis Tennessee Garrison, 1998–2000
Draft of book introduction; correspondence; photos and negatives for book: MTG and family, Gary WV, mining, Edward O'Toole, facsimiles of photos. Facsimiles of William Garrison's obituary, letter of condolence from Agatha S. Lowe. Program for MTG celebration at Marshall. Personal notes of congratulations on book. Photograph permissions. Facsimile of deed for MTG's grandfather's property, Hollins, VA.
Henrietta Marie, Slave Ship, 2000
Program for "Mending an Era: a Slave Ship Speaks: the Wreck of the Henrietta Marie." Typed text, pages 6-7, of a speech (?) about slaves, Anderson Radford, Cassie Thomas Carter, and MTG's mother.