Box 7
Contains 55 Results:
Storer College, 1891
Facsimile of a brief historical sketch of Storer College, 1867-1891, by Kate J. Anthony, 1891.
WV Seminary and College, 1926–1981
Newspaper clippings and other sources relating to the West Virginia Seminary and College and the Hilltop Baptist Center.
Mountain State Bar Association, 1985–1986
Program for the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet of the Mountain State Bar Association, 1985. List of members, 1986.
Slave Breeding--Kentucky, 1961
Newspaper clipping and multiple facsimiles of an article about a slave breeding farm in Greenup, KY.
Ohio Valley Slaves, 1850–1999
Research materials about slaves in Ohio Valley plantations and adjacent WV counties. Photocopies of photographs of Mary and plantation sites.
Eastern Panhandle Slavery, 1775–1999
Reparations, 1999–2003
Handwritten research notes and research materials regarding reparations for slavery; text of NB speech; typewritten notes.
Reparations, 1999–2001
Annotated manuscript "Compensatory Justice: Over Time and Between Groups" by Renee A. Hill; text of introduction of a speech about reparations; newsapper clippings; web page print outs; articles.
Sandra Moats-Burke / National Park Service, 1998–2003
Correspondence with Sandra Moats-Burke re: UGRR in WV counties. Exploring a Common Past: Researching and Interpreting the Underground Railroad, 1998, 2nd ed. from the National Park Service. List of UGRR sites in WV.
African-American Architects, 2001–2002
Correspondence with Dreck S. Wilson re: contribution to the book Biographical Dictionary of African-American Architects, 1865-1945.