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Showing Collections: 4701 - 4710 of 4715

WV FREE Records

Collection Number: A&M 4508
Scope and Contents

This collection includes WV FREE materials regarding reproductive rights advocacy. WV FREE is a reproductive health, rights and justice organization. Formats include newsletters, press clippings, flyers and news releases, printed materials, etc.

Dates: 1993-2008

Wylie-Tomlinson Letter Collection regarding the Civil War and Other Topics

Collection Number: A&M 4068
Scope and Contents Correspondence of Will Tomlinson, a newspaper publisher in southern Ohio, his wife Eliza Wylie Tomlinson, and their children Sarah Isabella Tomlinson and William Byers Tomlinson, as well as other family members, friends, and colleagues.The letters range from 1834 through 1897, the bulk of which date from 1861-1863 and from 1876-1880. Prominent topics include the relationships and activities of the Wylie-Tomlinson family, life in Cincinnati and Ripley Ohio, journalism and...
Dates: 1834-1914

Yoho Family of Marshall County, West Virginia, Papers

Collection Number: A&M 4324
Content Description

Papers related to the Yoho and Whipkey families, including photographs, genealogical information, clippings, vital documents, certificates, and other material. There are papers and photographs related to West Virginia Senator George N. Yoho. There are also papers related Yoho's son and to Twila Whipkey, née Yoho.

Dates: ca. 1910-1994; Majority of material found within 1923-1955

Young Women's Christian Association, West Virginia University Chapter, Records

Collection Number: A&M 2765
Overview Records of the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) at West Virginia University (WVU). Includes brochures, budgets, calendars of events, correspondence, ledgers, memorabilia, minutes, newspaper articles, photographs, postcards, reports, rosters, scrapbooks, and telegrams. Topics include the national history of the YWCA (including the 1855/1955 YWCA centennial commemoration); the 1906 charter of WVU YWCA chapter; WVU YWCA and YMCA event invitations and programs (including vespers and...
Dates: 1906-1985

Zackquill Morgan Homestead, Correspondence and Petition

Collection Number: A&M 2590
Overview This collection contains correspondence and a petition regarding the Zackquill Morgan Homestead. Correspondence from J.M.G. Brown, Chairman Committee for Civic and Industrial Betterment, 3-7-29, to Mrs. Max Mathers. Brown informs Mathers that a committee has been appointed to investigate the proposal to purchase the Homestead. Letter from the Col. John Evans Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution to the mayor and members of the Common Council of the City of Morgantown, endorsing...
Dates: 1929

Zackquill Morgan II Court Records (facsimiles)

Collection Number: A&M 0464

Photostats of papers (28 items) in the suit of Amelia Tansey vs. Zackquill Morgan II, in Monongalia County, West Virginia.

Dates: 1803-1806

Zackquill Morgan Pension

Collection Number: A&M 0229

Pension certificate showing Zackquill Morgan, Monongalia Co., [West] Virginia, as having served as a private in the Army of the Revolution, and entitled to a pension of $25.89 per annum, commencing 4 March 1831.

Dates: 1834

Zadock Walker, Uniontown Merchant Remittance for Supplies Furnished to Indians

Collection Number: A&M 1176

Copies of United States Treasury documents ordering the remittance of payments due to Zadock Walker, apparently in exchange for supplies furnished to Major Matthew Irwin, head of the United States government fur trading operation in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The majority of the goods were intended for the use of Native Americans and the drafts were submitted to Colonel Thomas L. McKenney, the United States Superintendent of Indian Trade. Walker was a merchant in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.

Dates: 1816-1826

Zane Family Genealogy

Collection Number: A&M 0531

A ten page typescript, "Betty Zane", tracing her life and descendents, prepared by J. Roy Corway (1936); and a five page genealogy of the Zane family in West Virginia, by H. C. Headley (1953). Material covers the years 1747-1899.

Dates: 1936-1953

Zeta Phi Eta, Alpha Rho Chapter of West Virginia University, Scrapbooks

Collection Number: A&M 3305

Two scrapbooks and one notebook of the Zeta Phi Eta Speech Arts Fraternity, Alpha Rho Chapter of West Virginia University. Includes charter, correspondence, minutes, reports, newsletters, photographs, clippings, etc.

Dates: 1968-1976

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Account books 257
Politics and government. 226
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 204
Morgantown (W. Va.) 187
Monongalia County (W. Va.) 176
∨ more
Land. 163
Genealogy 158
Diaries and journals. 149
Education 116
Universities and colleges 102
Coal mining. 100
Elections 95
Preston County (W. Va.) 90
Rivers and river valleys. 90
Lawyers - letters and papers. 85
Women's history -- 1850-1899 84
Farms and farming. 82
Schools. SEE ALSO Academies 82
World War, 1939-1945 82
Railroads 78
Harrison County (W. Va.) 76
General stores 71
United States -- Politics and government 71
Taxation 70
Wheeling (W. Va.) 69
Politicians -- United States 68
Women's history -- 1900-1929 68
Surveyors and surveying. 67
Frontier and pioneer life 63
Clarksburg (W. Va.) 62
Transportation 60
Agriculture 59
World War, 1914-1918 59
Authors -- Letters and papers 58
Randolph County (W. Va.) 56
Birth, marriage, and death records. 55
Church buildings 53
Coal mining - coal companies. 52
Maps. 52
Marion County (W. Va.) 52
Women's history -- 1929-1950 52
Slaves and slavery. 51
Lumber trade 49
Mills and mill-work 49
Court records 47
Art and artists 46
Travel accounts. 45
Education. SEE ALSO Schools. 44
Petroleum industry and trade 44
West Virginia -- Politics and government 44
Kanawha County (W. Va.) 43
Union names. 43
Unions. SEE ALSO Labor organization. 43
Greenbrier County (W. Va.) 41
Taylor County (W. Va.) 41
Baptists 40
Steamboats 39
Wood County (W. Va.) 39
Parkersburg. 38
Railroads - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 38
Revolutionary War. 38
West Virginia - Governors. 38
Livestock 37
West Virginia Feminist Activist Collection 37
Tucker County (W. Va.) 36
Women's history -- 1800-1849 36
Harpers Ferry (W. Va.) 35
New Deal, 1933-1939 35
Pennsylvania 35
West Virginia University -- Students 35
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Prisoners and prisons 33
Teachers 32
Virginia 32
Banks and banking 31
Indians of North America 31
African-Americans. SEE ALSO Coal miners - African Americans. 30
Coal mining - Labor organization. 30
Women's history -- 1951-present 30
Berkeley County (W. Va.) 29
Churches -- Methodist 29
Fairmont. 29
Monroe County (W. Va.) 29
Photography 29
Turnpikes. SEE ALSO Roads. 29
West Virginia - Politics and government. 29
Barbour County (W. Va.) 28
Civil War -- War diaries 28
Iron furnaces and iron industry. 28
Ohio 28
Statehood politics -- West Virginia 28
Civil War -- letters 27
Civil War battles. 27
Environmentalism. 27
Hampshire County (W. Va.) 27
Hardy County (W. Va.) 27
Kentucky 27
Physicians - letters and papers. 27
Charleston. 26
Medicine. SEE ALSO Folk medicine. 26
Ohio County (W. Va.) 26
+ ∧ less
English 4714
French 2
German 2
Italian 2
Chinese 1
∨ more  
West Virginia University 196
United Mine Workers of America 51
Democratic Party (U.S.) 45
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 43
Pierpont, Francis Harrison, 1814-1899 38
∨ more
United States. Congress. Senate 38
West Virginia University. President 35
West Virginia University. Library 32
Davis, John W. (John William), 1873-1955 31
Elkins, Stephen B. (Stephen Benton), 1841-1911 31
Holt, Rush Dew, 1905-1955 29
West Virginia. Legislature 29
Neely, Matthew Mansfield, 1874-1958 28
United States. Congress 28
Cornwell, John J. (John Jacob), 1867-1953 27
West Virginia University. Agricultural Extension Service 27
Camden, Gideon Draper, 1805-1891 25
Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957 23
Byrd, Robert C. 23
Hatfield, Henry Drury, 1875-1962 23
Jackson, Stonewall, 1824-1863 23
Monongalia County (W.Va.) 23
Randolph, Jennings, 1902-1998 23
Davis, Henry Gassaway, 1823-1916 21
West Virginia University. Department of History 21
Willey, Waitman T. (Waitman Thomas), 1811-1900 21
Smith family 20
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 18
Boreman, Arthur Inghram, 1823-1896 18
Carlile, John S. (John Snyder), 1817-1878 18
Dayton, Alston Gordon 18
Kilgore, Harley Martin, 1893-1956 18
Kump, Herman Guy, 1877-1962 18
West Virginia University. College of Agriculture 18
Davis family 17
Faulkner, Charles James, 1806-1884 17
Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn), 1880-1969 17
Brown, John. 16
Camden, J. N. (Johnson Newlon), 1828-1908 16
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888 16
United States. Army 16
West Virginia (Ship) 16
Callahan, James Morton, 1864-1956 15
Chilton, William E. (William Edwin), 1858-1939 15
Monongalia Academy (Morgantown, W. Va.) 15
Revercomb, Chapman, 1895- 15
Holt, Homer Adams, 1898-1975 14
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 14
McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1826-1885 14
Morgan family 14
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 14
Van Winkle, P. G. (Peter Godwin), 1808-1872 14
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 13
Cook, Roy Bird, 1886-1961 13
Debar, Joseph Hubert Diss. 13
Goff, Nathan, 1843-1920 13
Hayman family 13
Meadows, Clarence W. 13
Moore, Arch A., Jr. (Arch Alfred), 1923-2015 13
Patteson, Okey L. 13
Summers, Festus P. (Festus Paul), 1895-1971 13
Weston State Hospital 13
White, I. C. (Israel Charles), 1848-1927 13
Atkinson, Geo. W. (George Wesley), 1845-1925 12
Core, Earl Lemley, 1902-1984 12
Dawson, William M.O. 12
Ku Klux Klan (1915- ) 12
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870 12
Moore family 12
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962 12
Barron, W. W. 11
Bittner, Van A. (Van Amberg), 1885-1949 11
Fleming, A. B. (Aretas Brooks), 1839-1923 11
Gore, Howard M. 11
Jackson family 11
Post, Melville Davisson, 1869-1930 11
Washington, George, 1732-1799 11
West Virginia University. College of Pharmacy 11
West Virginia University. Department of Biology 11
American Federation of Labor 10
Brown family 10
Chitwood, Oliver Perry, 1874-1971 10
Consolidation Coal Company 10
Dayton, Spencer 10
Evans family 10
Farley, James A. (James Aloysius), 1888-1976 10
Goff, David, 1804?-1878 10
Hallanan, Walter S. (Walter Simms), 1890-1962 10
MacCorkle, William Alexander, 1857-1930 10
Robinson family 10
Sutherland, Howard, 1865-1950 10
United States. Works Progress Administration 10
Wilson, William Lyne, 1843-1900 10
Glasscock, Wm. E. (William Ellsworth), 1862-1925 9
Green, William. 9
Hall family 9
Hardesty, David C., Jr. 9
Johnson, Louis. 9
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 9
Lewis family 9
+ ∧ less