Showing Collections: 4701 - 4710 of 4715
WV FREE Records
This collection includes WV FREE materials regarding reproductive rights advocacy. WV FREE is a reproductive health, rights and justice organization. Formats include newsletters, press clippings, flyers and news releases, printed materials, etc.
Wylie-Tomlinson Letter Collection regarding the Civil War and Other Topics
Yoho Family of Marshall County, West Virginia, Papers
Papers related to the Yoho and Whipkey families, including photographs, genealogical information, clippings, vital documents, certificates, and other material. There are papers and photographs related to West Virginia Senator George N. Yoho. There are also papers related Yoho's son and to Twila Whipkey, née Yoho.
Young Women's Christian Association, West Virginia University Chapter, Records
Zackquill Morgan Homestead, Correspondence and Petition
Zackquill Morgan II Court Records (facsimiles)
Photostats of papers (28 items) in the suit of Amelia Tansey vs. Zackquill Morgan II, in Monongalia County, West Virginia.
Zackquill Morgan Pension
Pension certificate showing Zackquill Morgan, Monongalia Co., [West] Virginia, as having served as a private in the Army of the Revolution, and entitled to a pension of $25.89 per annum, commencing 4 March 1831.
Zadock Walker, Uniontown Merchant Remittance for Supplies Furnished to Indians
Copies of United States Treasury documents ordering the remittance of payments due to Zadock Walker, apparently in exchange for supplies furnished to Major Matthew Irwin, head of the United States government fur trading operation in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The majority of the goods were intended for the use of Native Americans and the drafts were submitted to Colonel Thomas L. McKenney, the United States Superintendent of Indian Trade. Walker was a merchant in Uniontown, Pennsylvania.
Zane Family Genealogy
A ten page typescript, "Betty Zane", tracing her life and descendents, prepared by J. Roy Corway (1936); and a five page genealogy of the Zane family in West Virginia, by H. C. Headley (1953). Material covers the years 1747-1899.
Zeta Phi Eta, Alpha Rho Chapter of West Virginia University, Scrapbooks
Two scrapbooks and one notebook of the Zeta Phi Eta Speech Arts Fraternity, Alpha Rho Chapter of West Virginia University. Includes charter, correspondence, minutes, reports, newsletters, photographs, clippings, etc.