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Showing Results: 21 - 30 of 56

Rufus A. West, Collector, Papers

Collection Number: A&M 0821
Scope and Contents This collection includes manuscripts, printed and newspaper materials collected by Rufus A. West, a Morgantown antiquarian and faculty member of the College of Engineering, West Virginia University. This collection includes papers concerning many phases of West Virginia History, although centered on Preston, Taylor, and Monongalia counties. Includes marriage licenses from Preston County, 1881-1947; newspaper clippings from Morgantown newspapers; a meeting invitation from the Monongalia...
Dates: 1880-1947

Peace Tree Exhibit Photographs and Brochures

Collection Number: A&M 3208
Overview An exhibit created by Anna M. Schein to commemorate the planting of a peace tree and its annual honoring ceremonies conducted by leaders of various Native American peoples including the Iroquois. Representative leaders were Peterson Zah, Navajo Nation President; Oren Lyons, Onondaga Nation Faithkeeper and Leon Shenandoah Tadodaho, Presiding Moderator of the Grand Council of the Iroquois Confederacy. The tree planting ceremony dates back to the founding of the Iroquois Confederacy (ca. 1450)...
Dates: 1992-1995

Charles L. Campbell, Compiler, (b.1876), Typescripts

Collection Number: A&M 1314

Typescripts compiled by a Wellsburg local historian, on the history of Holliday's Cove and the Hancock-Brooke County area. Subjects include prominent settlers, churches, schools, post office, toll roads, oil and gas wells, floods, gristmills, manufacture of gunpowder, iron and brick industries, newspapers, Indians, and the James Campbell and Alexander Morrow family genealogy.

Dates: ca. 1789-1956

Cleaver Family Papers

Collection Number: A&M 1945
Scope and Contents Facsimiles of historical documents. Land grant to William Cleaver and others for 1,000 acres on the Monongahela River, 1782; certificate for money due B. Cleaver for service in the Virginia Militia, 1783; affidavits concerning the military service of William and Benjamin Cleaver, 1774-1782, in Dunmore's War, at the Falls of the Ohio, and on General George Rogers Clark's expedition against the Indians, including the Shawnee. There is also a petition, 1777, by residents of the Tygart Valley,...
Dates: 1777-1833 (facsimiles), 1969

Bradford Noyes (b.1860) Typed Document

Collection Number: A&M 1906

Various subjects discussed include Indian attacks, turnpikes and taverns, the first telegraph system, natural gas illumination, Civil War manufacture of saltpeter, schools and economy in post-Civil War Charleston, salt and chemical industries, carrier pigeons, steamboats on the Kanawha River, and the coming of the railroad to Charleston. Persons mentioned include M.F. Maury, Jr., J.P. Hale, and J.Q. Dickinson.

Dates: 1948

Thomas Scott (1772-1856), Facsimiles and Transcriptions of Papers

Collection Number: A&M 2052
Overview Facsimiles of manuscripts and typescript transcriptions of the papers of a traveling minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church who became a lawyer and a judge. Topics include Captain Michael Cresap, Chief Logan, western massacres during the Revolutionary War, customs and privations of the western settlers, the Kentucky frontier, Methodism in the west, old preachers, and historical recollections. Scott was assigned circuits in Berkeley, Frederick, Gloucester, Ohio, and Stafford counties of...
Dates: undated

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Charleston, West Virginia Branch Records

Collection Number: A&M 4158
Overview Typescript records of the Charleston, West Virginia branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), which was founded in the summer of 1918 and first led by Mordecai Johnson, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Charleston. During the years covered by these records, attorney T. Gillis Nutter served as president. The bound volume includes primarily typed minutes for regular monthly meetings, executive committee meetings, and branch meetings, generally in...
Dates: 1922-1936

Vida Bailey, Collector, Papers

Collection Number: A&M 1847
Overview Indentures, deeds, court papers, land grants, letters, church notices, tax and other receipts, bills, notes and other materials concerning the Bluestone River area in Summers County, West Virginia, especially the Josiah Meadows and Robert Lilly families. Includes a Church of Christ minute book kept by Thomas Lilly, 1802-1817; a land grant to Jesiah Meador signed by Governor James P. Preston, 1809; and a letter from William Sellergrit Lilly from upper Louisiana Territory telling of earth...
Dates: 1790-1882

G. Harry Bayles Papers

Collection Number: A&M 0820
Overview Correspondence with the American Museum of Natural History, 1934-1952, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Circumnavigator's Club, 1943-1954, and Richard T. Wiley, the historian, at Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, 1933-1937. Also includes a 34-page travel account of Greece, Crete, and Egypt (1936-1937), materials on Tecumseh (the Shawnee Chief), Monongalia County history, West Virginia University history, and Bayles and Vandervort genealogy. Also includes labeled wood samples from Casa...
Dates: ca. 1890-1955

John L. Johnston, Author, Typescript regarding Ice's Ferry History and Genealogy

Collection Number: A&M 0553

Six page typescript by John L. Johnston, 1920, titled "Historical Notes, Ice's Ferry." Covering the time span of 1758-1920, the narrative locates and describes early settlements; roads; forts; Indian trails, villages and tribes; industries; the land office; and men and families prominent in the development of Monongalia County. Mention is made of the proposed construction of the dam and recreation area on the Cheat River.

Dates: 1920

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West Virginia and Regional History Center 55
Collection 43
Archival Record 12
Subject 1
Indians of North America 31
Frontier and pioneer life 20
Rivers and river valleys. 11
Diaries and journals. 6
Monongalia County (W. Va.) 6
∨ more
Revolutionary War. 6
Education 5
Land. 5
Railroads 5
Schools. SEE ALSO Academies 5
Turnpikes. SEE ALSO Roads. 5
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 5
Fortification 4
Morgantown (W. Va.) 4
California 3
Cheat River (W. Va. and Pa.) 3
Church buildings 3
Genealogy 3
Harrison County (W. Va.) 3
Marion County (W. Va.) 3
Politics and government. 3
Roads. SEE ALSO Turnpikes. 3
Steamboats 3
Transportation 3
Travel accounts. 3
United States -- History -- French and Indian War, 1754-1763 3
Academies (Private schools) 2
African-Americans. SEE ALSO Coal miners - African Americans. 2
Barbour County (W. Va.) 2
Bluestone River (Va. and W. Va.) 2
California -- Gold discoveries 2
Churches -- Methodist 2
Clarksburg (W. Va.) 2
Court records 2
Education. SEE ALSO Schools. 2
Environmentalism. 2
Fairmont. 2
Folklore 2
Grafton. 2
Greenbrier River (W. Va.) 2
Ice's Ferry. 2
Iron furnaces and iron industry. 2
Judges - letters and papers. 2
Kentucky 2
Lawyers - letters and papers. 2
Mills and mill-work 2
Parkersburg. 2
Railroads - Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 2
Spanish-American War, 1898 2
Tennessee 2
Texas 2
Tygart Valley. 2
Universities and colleges 2
Women -- United States -- History 2
Women's history -- 1850-1899 2
Women's history -- 1900-1929 2
African Americans -- West Virginia -- McDowell County 1
African Americans -- West Virginia -- Mercer County 1
Alsace-Lorraine (Germany) 1
Anita (W. Va.) 1
Antietam, Battle of, Md., 1862 1
Atotarho. 1
Australia 1
Authors -- Letters and papers 1
Barboursville (W. Va.) 1
Berkeley County (W. Va.) 1
Berkeley Springs (W. Va.) 1
Blacksmithing 1
Bluefield (W. Va.) 1
Boston (Mass.) 1
Brooke County (W. Va.) 1
Buckhannon (W. Va.) 1
Buckhannon Creek 1
Builders and contractors. 1
Bunner's Ridge. 1
Burr Conspiracy, 1805-1807 1
Cabell County (W. Va.) 1
Cemeteries -- National Cemetery (Grafton, W. Va.) 1
Cemeteries and cemetery readings 1
Charleston (W. Va.) 1
Charleston. 1
Chemical industry 1
Cherokee Indians -- Treaties 1
Chile 1
Churches -- Church of Christ 1
Churches -- Methodist Episcopal 1
Churches -- West Virginia -- Upshur County 1
Civil War - United States 3rd Artillery Regiment, Company B. 1
Civil War - Virginia 13th Infantry. 1
Civil War - West Virginia 9th Volunteer Infantry. 1
Civil War - West Virginia. 1
Civil War -- Camps and camp life 1
Civil War -- Mineral County (W. Va.) 1
Civil War battles - Allegheny Mountain. 1
Civil War battles - Cheat Mountain. 1
Civil War battles - Droop Mountain. 1
Civil War battles - Greenbrier River. 1
Civil War battles - Lewisburg. 1
Civil War battles - Mine Run. 1
Civil War battles - The Wilderness. 1
+ ∧ less
English 44
United States. Army 3
West Virginia University 3
Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818 2
Cresap, Michael, 1742-1775 2
Ice family 2
∨ more
Ice's Ferry 2
Johnston, John L. 2
Reger, Jacob. 2
Rowan, Andrew Summers 2
Tecumseh, Shawnee Chief, 1768-1813 2
United States Military Academy 2
Ambler, Charles Henry, 1876-1957 1
American Museum of Natural History 1
American Society of Civil Engineers 1
Archer, William 1
Atkinson, Geo. W. (George Wesley), 1845-1925 1
Averell, W.W. 1
Bailey, Vida 1
Barbe, Waitman, 1864-1925 1
Barboursville Common Council 1
Bayles, G. Harry 1
Bayless family 1
Bennett, Henry. 1
Bennett, Joseph and Henry 1
Bennett, Joseph. 1
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 1
Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820 1
Brady, Samuel. 1
Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807 1
Campbell, Charles L. 1
Campbell, Charles L., 1876-1961 1
Campbell, James family. 1
Carlile, John S. (John Snyder), 1817-1878 1
Carlisle, John Griffin, 1835-1910 1
Circumnavigator's Club 1
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation 1
Cleaver family 1
Cleaver, Benjamin. 1
Cleaver, William. 1
Conaway, Virginia H. 1
Corbly, John, 1733-1803 1
Dandridge, Danske, 1858-1914 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Dawson, William M.O. 1
Devault, Levi. 1
Dickinson, J.Q. 1
Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-1891 1
Dumur, Louis 1
Easton, Jason Clark, 1892-1972 1
Fairmont State College (Fairmont, W. Va.) 1
Ferrell, Ethel. 1
First National Bank of Keystone (W. Va.) 1
Good, Ronald. 1
Greenback Labor Party (U.S.) 1
Guyandotte Navigation Company 1
Guyandotte Turnpike Company 1
Hale, J.P. 1
Hall, Granville Davisson, 1837-1934 1
Hall, Joseph family. 1
Hamilton family 1
Hamilton, Bryan 1
Harrison County Militia 1
Haught, W.B., Compiler 1
Hayden, Jacob S. 1
Hayman family 1
Haymond, Luther 1
Haymond, William (1771-1848) 1
Haymond, William. 1
Heiskell family 1
Heiskell, H. B. 1
Henderson family. Tomlinson family. 1
Henderson, Alexander. 1
Henderson, Archibald. 1
Henderson, Jock B. 1
Henderson-Tomlinson family. 1
Hereford, Frank, 1825-1891 1
Hiawatha, active 15th century 1
Holt, Rush Dew, 1905-1955 1
House of Burgesses - Hampshire County Representatives. 1
Hubbard, Elbert, 1856-1915 1
Hughs, Sam. 1
Humbles, Bernard 1
Ingles, Mary Draper, 1732-1815 1
Jackson, Stonewall, 1824-1863 1
Kenna, John E. 1
Kenton, Simon, 1755-1836 1
Lambert, Fred B., 1873-1967 1
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870 1
Lewis, Virgil Anson, 1848-1912 1
Lilly, Robert. 1
Lilly, Thomas. 1
Lilly, William Sellergrit. 1
Logan, James, -1780 1
Logan, John A. 1
Loring, William Wing, 1818-1886 1
Martin, Joel. 1
Martin, Joseph. 1
Mason, John W. 1
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1849-1886 1
Maxwell, H. 1
+ ∧ less