Moore family
Found in 12 Collections and/or Records:
Family Bible Records Notebook
Family bible records, copied by Mrs. James D. Little and presented through the Fort Lee Chapter, Genealogical Records Committee, West Virginia State Organization, NSDAR. These records show the dates of births, deaths, and marriages for members of the following families: Caldwell, Moore, Pearce, Edwards, Justice, Lytle, Wheeler, Anfiled, Marrs. The names found in each bible are indexed. Material covers the years 1760-1975.
Fluharty Family Genealogy
Mimeographed typescript entitled "The Family of Cecile Fluharty" authored by Cecile Moore Fluharty, 1974. Includes sketches of the Fluharty, Birkhead, Davis, DeLaWarr, Hardman, Hughes, Jackson, Moore, Morris, Nichols, Orr, Sellman, Stoneking, Underwood, Wells, West, and other related families. Covers the years 1300-1974.
Frances H. Irwin, Compiler, Moore and Vance Families Genealogy
Hard-bound mimeographed typescript entitled "The Vance Descent of John Alexander Moore" prepared by Frances H. Irwin, 1947. Material covers the years 1768-1947.
Hall and Gandy Families (Preston County, W.Va.) Genealogy
Genealogical descent charts of the Hall, Gandy, and allied families of Preston, County, West Virginia, from 1724 to 1961 as compiled by Clarence M. Smith in 1989. Typescript chiefly lists descendants of George Brown Hall (1824-1882) of Preston County, West Virginia, and his wife, Nancy Gooseman Gandy (1828-1917), also of Preston County. along with birth, marriage, and death dates.
Hardy and Hampshire Counties Records
Jordan Harrison Account Book and Two Typescripts
An account book from Skimino, York County, Virginia, which mentions several members of the Bates, Cole, Harrison, More, and Smith families. The journal lists expenses incurred in moving from York County to Mount Pleasant, Ohio, in 1817. There is a typed index to names in the journal, and a typed narrative on the Harrison and Bates families.
Moore Family Diplomas, Awards, and Certificates
Diplomas and certificates awarded to Susan M. Moore and T. R. Moore by Washington College, West Virginia University, Morgantown Female Seminary, and Mount Holyoke Seminary; and a photograph of the tombstone of Oscar Raif, 1847-1899. Also contains photostat negative of 1909 diploma of Susan Maxwell Moore.
Moore Family Genealogy
A one page typescript compiled by Mrs. William J. Bland, Kansas City, Mo., on the family of Samuel Preston Moore of New Salem, W. Va. There is a list of Sources. Material covers the years 1756-1866.
Moore Family Genealogy
Moore Family, World War I Letters and Other Material
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Genealogy 3
- Account books 2
- Cemeteries and cemetery readings 2
- Bible records 1
- Birth, marriage, and death records. 1
- Capital punishment 1
- Churches -- Forks of Cheat Baptist 1
- Civil War -- McNeill's Rangers 1
- Diaries and journals. 1
- Hampshire County (W. Va.) 1
- Hardy County (W. Va.) 1
- Henry v. Pierpoint 1
- Land - Fairfax grants. 1
- Marion County (W. Va.) 1
- Mexican War, 1846-1848 1
- Monongalia County (W. Va.) 1
- Moorefield (W. Va.) 1
- Morgantown (W. Va.) 1
- Preston County (W. Va.) 1
- Revolutionary War. 1
- Surveyors and surveying. 1
- United States -- History -- War of 1812 1
- Women's history -- 1800-1849 1
- Women's history -- 1850-1899 1
- Women's schools. 1
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Soldiers' letters 1 + ∧ less