Materials concerning the dedication of the bell of the armored cruiser U.S.S. West Virginia, December 7, 1967. Items include program, invitation, diagram of proceedings, and newspaper clippings of dedication.
Second accession: Mimeographed copy of essay about dedication.
1968 Oct 31: Xerox copy of 1 loose-leaf notebook containing the material created for the dedication services of the bell from the armored cruiser USS West Virginia. The project was... initiated by WVU's service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. Items include correspondence, photos, program schedule, and history of the USS West Virginia.
ADD A&M 18 Feb 1988. Clapper of ship's bell. Article by APO about the battleship ant its bell and how the latter was acquired. Photos and letter about a museum model of the ship. Also records of APO on planning and enacting of the original dedication ceremony for placement of the bell at WVU in 1967 as well as the re-dedication ceremony in 1987.
ADD A&M 6 May 1988. Article on 1st Black Medal of Honor winner in World War II, Dory Miller who was stationed on the USS WV at Pearl Harbor.
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