Collection of research material, artifacts, and records regarding St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing. The materials were collected by Barbara Flewellyn for a book titled A Special Place, St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1905-1969. Most of the documents are facsimiles of histories, photographs, and lists of graduates. Also in the collection are alumni news and newsletters (1986-2020). Original source materials include Flewellyn's diploma, grade cards, and other memorabilia. Other artifacts include a wool nurse's coat (circa 1956) and a nurse's cap (circa 1949), both donated by alumni.
Photographs depict students, instructors, the building and rooms, and events. Collected histories include a 1948 procedure book, a student's experience record for 1948-49, Kathleen McGhan's history (1905-1969), Ann Hoye's history (2003), Wilma Pertz's scrapbook (1966-2020), and various other documents. Permission forms and completed questionnaires prepared by Flewellyn to gather alumni information for the book are also included in the collection.
Digital files on two USB flash drives include class photographs (1955-1969) and interviews with Black graduates of the School conducted by Nicole Golston. These include Occeletta Thomas Briggs, Joan Wicks Oxendine, Betty Jackson Stringer, and Barbara Williams Flewellyn.
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Researchers may access born digital materials by requesting to view the materials in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at
The donor of this collection has transferred rights to the intellectual property they created to the Center. For more information regarding permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the West Virginia and Regional History Center.
The St. Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing was chartered in 1905 and was maintained until 1968. In 1948, DeSales hall, a modern six-story brick building, was constructed on Main Street Clarksburg adjacent to the hospital to provide housing and educational facilities for one hundred student nurses. It was named in memory of Sister Mary de Sales Coraty, who had served as administrator of St. Mary’s Hospital for 22 years.
According to Sister Mary Ruth... Owen, “St. Mary’s School of Nursing was the first in West Virginia to receive full accreditation by the National League for Nursing Education,” and it was also accredited by the West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Registered Nurses. The commencement exercises held May 29, 1969, marked the close of 63 years of operation, during which time a total of 976 students graduated.
From: United Hospital Center. “History.” 01 May 2034,
Barbara W. Flewellyn, one of the earliest African American graduates of St. Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing, compiled and edited A Special Place: St. Mary's Hospital School of Nursing, Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1905-1969. Flewellyn, a 1957 graduate of SMHSON, continued her education, earning a bachelor of science and master of science in nursing, then a master's degree in business administration. After decades of service in health care, Flewellyn retired and is focusing her efforts on documenting histories of African American communities in West Virginia, as well as histories of various branches of her family.
From: Pollitt PA. (2020). A Special Place: St. Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing, Clarksburg West Virginia, 1905-1969, A History (compiled and edited by Barbara W. Flewellyn). Appalachian Journal. 2020;48(1/2):112. Publisher version of record available at:
2.5 Linear Feet (1 record carton, 15 in.; 1 flat storage box, 3 in.; 1 index card box, 5.5 in.)
6.53 Gigabytes (33 files, formats include .pdf, .wav, and .mpeg)
Gift of Flewellyn, Barbara, 2021 November 15
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository