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E. Audiovisual materials, 1960-2013, bulk: 1984-2013


Scope and Contents

The Audiovisual Materials series contains moving image and sound recordings of Senator Rockefeller’s activities throughout his Senate career. Records relate to legislative activities, such as hearings of the committees on which Senator Rockefeller served and of other bodies, such as the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (“9/11 Commission”), the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the National Security Agency.

Other activities documented include bill introductions, debates, votes, and nominations; speeches, such as State of the Union addresses and opposition responses and Democratic National Conventions; summits, such as the National Summit on Children and Families; forums, such as the New Hampshire Democratic Health Forum; town hall meetings; roundtable discussions; conference calls; luncheons and dinners; visits to schools and hospitals; campaigns, rallies, and elections; and ceremonies, such as award presentations, ground breaking, presidential inauguration, retirement celebrations.

Subjects include the intelligence community; terrorism; airline security; chemical and nuclear weapons; telecommunications (e.g., cybersecurity, wire-tapping); the Persian Gulf War (1991); the Iraq War (2003-2011); health care reform; aging; Alzheimer’s disease; the Children’s Health Insurance Program; spina bifida; veterans' health (e.g., Gulf War syndrome); prescription drugs; Medicare; Medicaid; retirement; Social Security; welfare; child support; taxes; labor (e.g., unions, strikes, minimum wage); the federal budget; commerce; trade (e.g., Fast Track, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, North American Free Trade Agreement); product liability; coal, steel, and automotive industries; coal miners’ health (e.g., black lung disease, mine safety); business in West Virginia; energy and the environment (e.g., alternative fuels, clean air); education; and national service (e.g., Volunteers in Service to America).

Many items contain television and radio news segments, interviews, and live coverage, but there are also campaign advertisements, video press releases with b-roll, some documentaries (e.g., Biography: “The Rockefellers,” 1994), music compilations (including JDR as a guest conductor), and unedited footage.

Television networks that produced material in this series include: A&E, ABC, CBS, Christian Broadcasting Network, CNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox, History Channel, MSNBC, NBC, PBS, and West Virginia Public Television.

Local television stations that produced material in this series include: KDKA, KIRO, WBOY, WCHS, WDTV, WETA, WGBH, WOAY, WOWK, WSAZ, WTAP, WTOV, WTRF, WTVJ, WVAH, WVNS, and WVVA.

Television programs excerpted in this series include: 60 Minutes, 60 Minutes II, The 700 Club, Biography, Charlie Rose, Dateline NBC, Face the Nation, Fox and Friends, Frontline, Good Morning America, Hardball, Larry King Live, Late Edition, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Meet the Press, Moneyline, NBC Nightly News, NewsHour, NewsNight, Nightline, Primetime Live, The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, The Rachel Maddow Show, The Situation Room, The Today Show, This Week, Washington Week in Review, Weekend Live, and World News Tonight.

Radio networks and local radio stations that produced material in this series include: ABC Radio, KABC, KFBK, Minnesota Public Radio, National Public Radio, WAMU, WCHS, WEPM, West Virginia MetroNews, WETA, WGMS, WJEH, WJLS, WRKY, WRNR, WSTV, WSTV, and WWYO.

Radio programs excerpted in this series include: All Things Considered, the Christine Craft Show, Hal Bruno's Washington, John McLaughlin's One on One, Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, Talkline, The Diane Rehm Show, and The Michael Jackson Show.

Organizations included in this series, in addition to those mentioned above, are: Alzheimer's Association; American Association of Retired Persons; American Hospital Association; Blanchette Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute; Charleston Area Medical Center; Chlopak, Leonard, Schechter & Associates; Eastern Panhandle Free Clinic; Elm Grove Elementary School; Fairfax Hospital; League of Women Voters; Mayo Clinic; Morgantown High School; National Commission on Children; National Policy Council; Peyton Elementary School; Philips; Rainelle Medical Center; Shepherd College; Sino Swearingen; Toyota Motor Corporation; United Mine Workers of America; United Steelworkers of America; University of Charleston; University of New Hampshire; Veterans' Affairs Medical Centers; Webster County High School; Weirton Steel; West Virginia University; Weston State Hospital; Wetzel County Hospital; Wheeling Hospital; Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel; and Yale University.

People mentioned within this series include: Charlene Barshefsky, Osama Bin Laden, Wolf Blitzer, George W. Bush, Robert C. Byrd, Gaston Caperton, Shelley Moore Capito, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton, Lou Dobbs, Johnny Reid Edwards, Al Gore, Hoppy Kercheval, John Kerry, Larry King, Jessica Lynch, Joe Manchin III, Chris Matthews, Arch Moore, Barack Obama, Keith Olbermann, Condoleezza Rice, Charlie Rose, Arlen Specter, and Paula Zahn.

Places in West Virginia represented in this series include: Beckley, Benwood, Boone County, Buffalo, Cabin Creek, Charleston, Clarksburg, Fairmont, Fayette County, Hancock County, Huntington, Kenova, Martinsburg, McDowell County, Mercer County, Minden, Monongalia County, Montcoal, Morgantown, Moundsville, Mullens, New Martinsville, Newell, Nicholas County, Oak Hill, Parkersburg, Pineville, Pleasants County, Princeton, Rainelle, Randolph County, Ravenswood, Richwood, Ripley, Shady Spring, Shepherdstown, Shrewsbury, Stanaford, Webster County, Weirton, Weston, Wetzel County, and Wheeling.

Other places associated with this series include: Abu Ghraib, Iraq; Alabama; Arlington, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; Baghdad, Iraq; Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; Concord, New Hampshire; Durham, New Hampshire; Gallipolis, Ohio; Goreham, New Hampshire; Japan; Miami, Florida; New Hampshire; New Haven, Connecticut; New York, New York; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Rye, New Hampshire; Steubenville, Ohio; Taiwan; Tokyo, Japan, and Washington, D.C.


  • Creation: 1960-2013
  • Creation: Majority of material found within 1984-2013

Conditions Governing Access

Access to audiovisual items may be arranged in the West Virginia & Regional History Center reading room depending on the format. Advance notice is required.


1237 VHS

372 Audio cassette

131 Microcassettes

115 Betacam

101 DVD

36 3/4 inch videotape: U-matic

10 Betamax

9 CD


5 Mini-cassette

3 MiniDV


The Audiovisual Materials series is arranged by format and then arranged chronologically.

Processing Information

Box III.E. - 18 now contains Box III.E. - 25 and Box III.E. - 28.

Repository Details

Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository

1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US