[pamphlet?; copy] "Letter of the Hon. Mr. Hays, of Virginia, to His Constituents" on March 1, 1843, undated, Box: 16, Volume: Notebook 2B, Page: 49-54. Roy Bird Cook (1886-1961), Collector, Papers, A&M 1561. West Virginia and Regional History Center.
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[pamphlet?; copy] "Letter of the Hon. Mr. Hays, of Virginia, to His Constituents" on March 1, 1843, undated, Box: 16, Volume: Notebook 2B, Page: 49-54. Roy Bird Cook (1886-1961), Collector, Papers, A&M 1561. West Virginia and Regional History Center. https://archives.lib.wvu.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/51073 Accessed March 11, 2025.