Cardboard mobiles; 16 works (all cardboard except 1 plastic, ranging from approx. 8 in. x 7 in. to 15 in. x 10 1/2 in.), undated, Box: 63, Folder: 2. James E. Davis, Artist, Papers and Artworks, A&M 3157. West Virginia and Regional History Center.
Cite Item Description
Cardboard mobiles; 16 works (all cardboard except 1 plastic, ranging from approx. 8 in. x 7 in. to 15 in. x 10 1/2 in.), undated, Box: 63, Folder: 2. James E. Davis, Artist, Papers and Artworks, A&M 3157. West Virginia and Regional History Center. Accessed February 16, 2025.