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Photographs of facilities and artifacts of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Museum

 Digital Record
Collection Number: 4391_add_2019-11-22_digtran_01

Conditions Governing Access

Researchers may access born digital materials by requesting to view the materials in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at


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General Note

Records include photographs for Basement Hallway, Birth Room, Buttery, Chinese Room, Dining Room, Donor Information, Exhibit Room, Exterior Photos, First Floor Hallway, Girls Room, Grandfather's Room, Grapes, Interior Layout Photos, Kitchen, Library and Music Room, Linens, Misc Provenance Cards with No Artifact, Missing Item Cards, Parlor, Sydenstricker Cabin, Upstairs Hallway, Women's Room, and Miscellaneous Records.

Repository Details

Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository

1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US