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Interview Audio and Transcripts Regarding Max Hayslette and His Career

 Digital Record
Collection Number: 3817_add_2021-11-04

Conditions Governing Access

Researchers may access born digital materials by requesting to view the materials in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at


0.61 Gigabytes (43 files, formats include .wma and .docx)

General Note

Materials include three USB drives containing identical content (3817_usb_01) of five interview transcripts and four discs (3817_add_2019-08-27_digtran_01, original discs not locatable) containing the same five transcripts and associated audio for the five transcripts. Interviews include Steve Lantz, Bev Kesterson, Don Seiderholm (and his unnamed spouse), and Max Hayslette.

Repository Details

Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository

1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US