Edited reprint of the July 2, 1863 issue of The Daily Citizen, published in Vicksburg, Mississippi by J.M. Swords during the siege. This single-page reprint is printed on wallpaper. The original newspaper was also printed on wallpaper, due to the shortage of newsprint during the siege. This item is dated "Tuesday" July 2, 1863, and includes a note at the bottom dated July 4, 1863. When Vicksburg was captured on July 4, Union forces found the newspaper's type from July 2 still standing. They replaced two-thirds of the last column with other matter already in type, added a note about the end of the siege, and printed a new edition. For more information, see "The Daily Citizen Vicksburg, Mississippi", Information Circular 3 (Revised 1967), The Library of Congress Serial & Government Publications Division.
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