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Rush Dew Holt (1905-1955) Papers

Collection Number: A&M 0873

Rush Dew Holt (1905-1955) Papers

Collection Number: A&M 0873

Papers of Rush Dew Holt, Sr. (1905-1955) relating to his personal and political activities. Types of material include publications, clippings, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera, among others. The collection is divided into six series: Personal and Political Papers (1840-2000 and undated) includes correspondence; invitations and cards; material representing campaign activities; and material from college courses, among other material that represents Rush Holt’s personal life and political career; and ephemera collected by Rush Holt. Artifacts (1939-1952 and undated) includes personal and political items collected by Rush Holt. Legislative Records (1920-1955 and undated) includes correspondence, reports, publications, clippings, statistics, transcripts, financial records, and project records, among other miscellaneous material relative to Rush Holt’s committee-based and general legislative activity. Constituent Services (1923-1954 and undated) includes mail received by Rush Holt during his time in the West Virginia House of Delegates and the United States Senate from constituents providing political opinions to Holt or requesting government publications and bulletins, copies of speeches, educational material, and Rush Holt’s recommendation to the United States Military or Naval Academy. Press and Media Activity (1925-2003 and undated) includes original and photocopied articles from newspapers and similar publications, typescripts of press releases, pen-and-ink drawn political cartoons, transcripts of speeches, and sound recordings, among other material representing Rush Holt’s involvement with the press and media. Administrative Files (1937-1940) includes material documenting the daily office activities of Rush Holt and his staff during the former’s senatorial term.

The collection is divided into six series as follows:

Series 1. Personal and Political Papers; 1840-2000 and undated (bulk 1918-1955)

Includes material related to Rush Holt's personal, family, and political life. Additional material related to his work in politics can be found in Series 3 through 6. Types of material include correspondence; invitations and cards; material representing campaign activities; material from college courses; bills for recordings, radio station receipts, and election expenditures; typescripts, newsletters, manuscripts, and photocopies of material written by Rush Holt; publications to which Rush Holt subscribed and collected; photographs that represent Rush Holt’s personal life and political career; ephemera collected by Rush Holt; and election results collected by Rush Holt.

Series 2. Artifacts; 1939-1952 and undated

Includes personal and political items collected by Rush Holt.

Series 3. Legislative Records; 1920-1955 and undated

Includes correspondence, reports, publications, clippings, statistics, transcripts, financial records, and project records, among other miscellaneous material relative to Rush Holt’s committee-based and general legislative activity.

Series 4. Constituent Services; 1923-1954 and undated

Includes mail received by Rush Holt during his time in the West Virginia House of Delegates and the United States Senate from constituents requesting government publications and bulletins, copies of speeches, educational material, and Rush Holt’s recommendation to the United States Military or Naval Academy. In some cases, this series also includes typescript responses, many of which are generic.

Series 5. Press and Media Activity; 1925-2003 and undated (bulk 1925-1955)

Includes original and photocopied articles from newspapers and similar publications, typescripts of press releases, pen-and-ink drawn political cartoons, transcripts of speeches, and sound recordings, among other material representing Rush Holt’s involvement with the press and media.

Series 6. Administrative Files; 1937-1940

Includes material documenting the daily office activities of Rush Holt and his staff during the former’s senatorial term.

Conditions Governing Access

No special access restriction applies.

Creation: 1840-2003
Creation: Majority of material found within 1918-1955
156.21 Linear Feet (156 ft. 2 1/2 in. (360 document cases, 5 in. each); (1 document case, 4 in.); (14 document cases, 2 1/2 in.); (1 flat storage box, 5 in.); (1 flat storage box, 3 1/2 in.); (2 flat storage boxes, 3 in. each); (3 flat storage boxes, 2 1/2 in. each); (9 flat storage boxes, 1 1/2 in. each); ( 44 photos in photograph filing cabinets))
11.7 Gigabytes (131 TIFF files, 2 PDF files)
Related Name
Holt, Rush Dew, 1905-1955
America First Committee
American Federation of Labor
Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.)
United States. National Bituminous Coal Commission
United States. National Labor Relations Board
Progressive Mine Workers of America
United Mine Workers of America
United States. National Recovery Administration
United States. Supreme Court
United States. Congress. Senate
West Virginia. Legislature
United States. Works Progress Administration
Bittner, Van A. (Van Amberg), 1885-1949
Black, Hugo LaFayette, 1886-1971
Coughlin, Charles E.
Edmiston, Andrew.
Farley, James A. (James Aloysius), 1888-1976
Green, William.
Holt, Helen Louise Froelich, 1913-2015
Holt, Mathew S., 1850-1939
Holt, Rush Dew, 1905-1955
Hopkins, Harry L. (Harry Lloyd), 1890-1946
Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952
Kump, Herman Guy, 1877-1962
La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1855-1925
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Weston State Hospital
Neely, Matthew Mansfield, 1874-1958
Lewis, John L. (John Llewellyn), 1880-1969
Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935

Includes material related to Rush Holt's personal, family, and political life. Additional material related to his work in politics can be found in Series 3 through 6. Types of material include correspondence; invitations and cards; material representing campaign activities; material from college courses; bills for recordings, radio station receipts, and election expenditures; typescripts, newsletters, manuscripts, and photocopies of material written by Rush Holt; publications to which Rush Holt subscribed and collected; photographs that represent Rush Holt’s personal life and political career; ephemera collected by Rush Holt; and election results collected by Rush Holt.

Creation: 1840-2000 and undated
Creation: Majority of material found within 1918–1955

Includes correspondence relating to the personal and political issues of Rush Holt’s life.

Because of different original series of correspondence, in addition to maintaining this original order, the material of this series, as a whole, is not in chronological order.

Personal correspondence topics include Rush Holt’s marriage to Helen Louise Froelich, family matters such as births and deaths, holidays, Rush Holt’s illness, and general correspondence with family and friends, among others.

Political correspondence topics include an anti-lynching bill which is represented by letters between Rush Holt and Walter White, former secretary for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; the United Mine Workers of America which is represented by correspondence between Rush Holt and Frank Miley, former president of the United Mine Workers of America, District 31; and the seating issue from when Rush Holt was first elected to the Senate; among others.

Other prominent correspondents/subjects of correspondence include Joe Alderson, former WPA Director in Lewis County, West Virginia; Van A. Bittner, former president of United Mine Workers Association District 12; James A. Farley, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee; and Frank Miley, former president of the United Mine Workers of America, District 31, among others.

Items of note include political-related correspondence with Spencer Bonaventure Tracey (located in box 229, folder 7), Louise B. Mayer (located in box 229, folder 8), Walt Disney (located in box 229, folder 9), and James Cagney (located in box 229, folder 11). Other items of note include a poem titled Rejected (not Holt's) that is set in Hell and portrays President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a sinner (located in box 238, folder 3), and a letter from President Harry S. Truman (located in box 357, folder 1).

For correspondence directly related to Rush Holt’s campaigns, please see Series 1. Personal and Political Papers—Campaign Material.

For Utility Investigating Committee-related correspondence, please see Series 3. Legislative Records—West Virginia House of Delegates Utility Investigating Committee

For Government Costs Committee-related correspondence, please see Series 3. Legislative Records—West Virginia House of Delegates State Government Costs Committee.

For Interstate Cooperation Commission-related correspondence, please see Series 3. Legislative Records—West Virginia House of Delegates Interstate Cooperation Commission.

For Works Progress Administration-related correspondence, please see Series 3. Legislative Records—Works Progress Administration.

Creation: 1924-1955 and undated
Creation: 1937–1940
Creation: 1937–1939
Creation: 1939
Creation: 1937
Creation: 1928–1934 July
Creation: 1934 August 1–1934 August 18
Creation: 1934 August 19–1934 August 31
Creation: 1934 September–1934 October 7
Creation: 1934 October 8–1934 November 8
Creation: 1934 November 9–1934 November 23
Creation: 1934 November 24–1934 December 26