A presentment by the Grand Jurors of Monongalia County explaining their disapproval of recent acts by the United States Congress and the General Assembly of Virginia. (In legal terms, a "presentment" is the notice taken or statement made by a grand jury of an offense from their own knowledge without a bill of indictment laid before them.) The Jurors' complaint against the United States Congress regards a bill raising salaries for congressmen. Regarding the General Assembly of Virginia, the Jurors complain of general overreach by the legislature and assumption of powers belonging to the judicial branch. In addition, they note "the inquality of representation in the state legislature" which disadvantages the "Northern and Western sections of the state". In addition to the original document from the Monongalia County Court records, there is also a partial transcription of the document, including the names of its signers.
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.01 Linear Feet (1 leaf (1 folder))
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