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Box 9


Contains 881 Results:

Series 6. Telegrams, 1861-1869, undated (includes facsimiles)

 Series — Box: 9
Scope and Contents This series includes over 850 original and facsimile telegrams, most of which are addressed to Pierpont. He was elected governor of the "Loyal" or "Restored" Government of Virginia, which was formed in Wheeling shortly after the state's Richmond government left the Union to join the Confederacy in May 1861. The bulk of the telegrams span 1861-1863, documenting Pierpont's efforts to maintain Union rule in western Virginia during the first two years of the Civil War. Concerning matters such as...
Dates: 1861-1869, undated (includes facsimiles)

Item 09-017: Hand copy. From Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Alexandria, Va to Pierpont, "9 p.m. Alexa[ndria] April 9 1865 By Telegraph from War Dept. 9 1865 This department has just recd official report of the surrender this day of Genl Lee and his army to Lt. Genl Grant on the terms proposed by Genl Grant Details will be given speedily as possible. Edwin M. Stanton Secy of War Head Qrs Army of U.S. 430 Rm Hon. E.M. Stanton Secy of War Genl Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia this afternoon upon terms proposed by myself. The accompan+E438ying additional correspondence will show the conditions fully U.S. Grant Lt. Genl Apl 9 1865 Genl- I recd your note of this morning on the picket line whither I had come to meet you to asertain definitely what terms were embraced in your presentation of yesterday with reference to the surrender of this army. I now request an interview in accordance with offer contained in your letter of yesterday - for that purpose. Very Respy Your Off [???] R.E. Lee Genl CSA to U.S. Grant Comder US Army Apl 9 1865 Genl R.E. Lee Comdr CSA Your note of this date is but this moment (1158 am) recd in consequence of having passed from the Richmond [crossed out] and Lynchburg road to the E858Farquiville and Lynchburg road I am at this writing about four miles west of Walters Church and will push forward to the front of the purpose of meeting - notice sent to me on this road where you wish the interview to take place will meet me - Very respy your Off Genl U.S. Grant+E440 Appomattox CH Apl 9 1865 Genl R.E. Lee Comdr CSA In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th inst. I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Va on the following terms to wit Rolls of the all officers and men to be made in duplicate - One copy to be given to an officer designated by me the others to be retained by such officer or officers do you may designate - the officers to give their individual paroles not to carry arms against the Govt of the United States until property exchanged and each Co or Regt commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands - The Army’s artillery and public property to be packed and stacked and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them - This will not embrace the side arms of the officers nor their private horses or baggage - This done - such officers and men will be allowed - to return to their homes not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside - Very Respy U.S. Grant Lt. Genl Hd Qrs Army Northern Va 9th Apl 1865 Lt General U.S. Grant Comdr USA Genl I have recd your letter of this date containing the terms of surrender of Army of Northern Virginia as proposed by you - as they are substantially the same as those proposed in your letter of the 8th Inst they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. Very Respy Your Off [???] R.E. Lee Lt. Genl", 1865/04/09

 Item — Box: 9, Folder: 1