Box 9
Contains 881 Results:
Item 09-799: From J. A. J. Lightburn, Brigadier General, Grafton, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Grafton 4 1863. All quiet here. Nothing from the enemy except a rumor of a small force near Evansville JAJ Lightburn Brig Genl 16W53Coll", 1863/05/04
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-801: From T. H. Logan, Fairmont, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Fairmont, 4 1863. Will go to Wheeling tonight if I can get a train & come up with my men TH Logan 18a59pd", 1863/05/04
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-802: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 5pm 4 1863. Two thousand 2000 light rifles and accoutrements will be sent to you at once from Washington and two hundred thousand 200,000 cartridges from Pittsburgh JW Ripley Brig Genl Chf Ord 22G59pd", 1863/05/04
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-804: From P. H. Watson, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "His Excy Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1863. The two thousand 2000 stand of arms with accoutrements have been forwarded by quick conveyance. P. H. Watson Asst Secy War 14G43pd", 1863/05/04
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-805: From P. H. Watson, Assistant Secretary of War, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 4 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 4 1863. Two thousand short french muskets & five hundred carbines were sent this Pm which are all the carbines we have in hand PH Watson Asst Secy War 22G59", 1863/05/04
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-807: From Edward Lindner, New York, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov FH Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 5 1863. By Telegraph from New York 5 1863. Are the five hundred Lindners Carbines in the field & where please answer Edwd Lindner ae[?] then fire 13G36pd" On reverse: "Ansd there are 500 here HJS AG Va", 1863/05/05
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53
Item 09-808: From J. W. Ripley, Brigadier General, Washington, to Pierpont, Wheeling. "Gov F.H. Peirpoint [Francis H. Pierpont] Wheeling May 6 1863. By Telegraph from Washington 3.40 pm 6 1863. Your telegram has been referred to the War Dept which declines to authorize the order you specify JW Ripley BG Chf Ord 17G49pd", 1863/05/05
Item — Box: 9, Folder: 53