Box 36
Contains 154 Results:
[article; original] "George Washington's Journey Down the Ohio River in 1770," by C.B. Galbreath, from 'Museum Echoes,' vol. 5, no. 2, February 1932; also includes additional pages of that issue, 1932
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 58, Page: 482-489
[article; original] "Captain John Ashton of Westmoreland County, Virginia, and Some of his Descendants," by Norman S. Fitzhugh, from 'William and Mary Quarterly,' no date, undated
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 58, Page: 490-503
[ephemera; original] poster for "Washington in West Virginia" lecture by Cook, 1932
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 58, Page: 504
[article; original] regarding a rare first edition of Washington's journal, 1955
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 58, Page: 505-506
[typescript; transcription?] "George Washington Bicentennial Pilgrimages", undated
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 1-4
[typescript; original?] notes regarding land in West Virginia, 1938
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 5-7
[typescript; transcription?] "The Bullskin Run", undated
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 8-18
[other; copy] several copies of deeds for lands (land records) belonging to the Washington family, 1774, 1813-1816, undated
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 19-23
1774, 1813-1816, undated
[ts letter; original] from H.B. Castleman to Cook regarding history of St. George's Chapel, 1933
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 24
[typescript; transcription] "George Washington's Account Book," by David A. Jayne, C.P.A., undated
Item — Box: 36, Volume: Notebook 59, Page: 25-28