Box 2
Contains 56 Results:
1998 Dickinson Responding to Realities Tape 1 Original, undated
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_10
West Virginia University: Social Justice, 1998 February 26
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_11
1998 February 26
Dickinson 1998 Responding to Realities Copy Tape 2, 1990 February
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_12
1990 February
West Virginia University February, 1990 (8:15), 1991 February
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_13
1991 February
The Campaign for West Virginia University (February 1991) (16min), 1996
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_14
Achieving Justice: A Century of WVU Women in Law 1996, 1992
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_15
Mirror, Mirror WV Dept of Education, undated
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_16
Student Recruiting Video with Intro by Cathy Kercheval, 1997 January 22
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_17
1997 January 22
Jan. 22, 1997 Panel Discussion "Buyers // Sellers: Winners/ Losers: Gender and the Global Economy- Moderator Copy 1 of 1, 1997 February 19
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_18
1997 February 19
1997 Dickinson Symposium: BORDERS AND BREAKTHROUGHS: Women in the Global Economy. Session 2 2/19 V. W. Lawrence, POETRY TALKBACK, 1991 February
Item — Box: 2, Item: 5052_vhs_19
1991 February