Box 4
Contains 55 Results:
Thomas Gillis Nutter, 1969–2000
Research materials on black attorney Thomas Gillis Nutter.
Kanawha County--Charleston, 1876–2003
Underground Railroad, 1937–1990
Research materials on the Dutch Hollow wine cellars in Dunbar.
Wayne County, 1981–2006
Various documents regarding blacks in Wayne County, WV; the Livisay family; writings by Tim R. Massey, 1981; the Lindsey family; photograph and negatives of a photograph of a black family.
McDowell County--Keystone, 1986–1992
Research materials on McDowell County, WV, with focus on the towns of Keystone and Keystone. Letters and notes from Adolphus A. Young, Jr.
Greenbrier County--Lewisburg, 2002
Program for "Freedom Is a Struggle: Glimpses of African-American Life in the Greenbrier Valley of [West] Virginia." Brochure "Black Historic Sites in Lewisburg, West Virginia."
McDowell County, 1988–2002
Newspaper clipping about Sarah Hall, black lawyer. Facsimiles of research materials. "The History of the Negro in McDowell County and in West Virginia Leading Up to and Including the Integration of Schools" by Dr. Douglass T. Murray. Typewritten notes from Adolphus Young, Jr. Correspondence with Alphonso Dalton, Jr. regarding MTG and black McDowell County families
Harrison, 1952
Facsimile of 1952 newspaper article regarding slaves listed in 1848 Harrison County tax book. Slave owners are listed and includes Nathan Goff.
Greenbrier, 1818–1994
Paper, author unidentified, regarding lynching in WV. Research materials about slaves in Greenbrier County
Hardy Co. Slave Letter, 1851–1999
Correspondence regarding letter from a slave asking to be purchased by Stump family [1851]. Facsimile of letter.