Box 3
Contains 49 Results:
Black Teachers Project, 1955–2003
Typed manuscript for "Black Education in West Virginia," a joint project between Ancella Bickley and Rita Wicks-Nelson. Notes regarding Mrs. T. McDaniel interview; text of interview. Correspondence regarding book on black female teachers. Research notes. Text of speech about black WV schools. List of narrators. Facsimiles of newspaper clippings "from Mrs. Rayford's Collection" regarding desegregation of schools, 1955-1956. Newspaper clipping of AB interview regarding MTG.
West Virginia State College Programs, 1948–1994
Program for the Alpha Delta Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 19th annual Jabberwock, March 16th, 1949. Dance invitation, 1948. WVSC Commencement program, 1949. Washington Alumni Chapter banquet, 1976, to roast John W. Davis. Newspaper articles
Kanawha County Negro Schools, 1945
Vocational and Educational Survey for the Kanawha County Negro Schools by Andrew H. Calloway, 1945.
Douglass High School, 1946–2005
Correspondence, photos, newsletter, and newspaper clippings regarding the Douglass High School (Huntington) Reunion. Notes on class of 1947. Newspaper clipping regarding NB. Photo YWCA Y-Teens, Douglas High School, Christmas, 1946.
Alberta Coleman, Opan Coates Carter, ca. 1964-2006
Research notes on schools in Keyser and Piedmont, WV, including a facsimile of book pages from Howard School: a History, 1877-1955regarding a black student strike for a better school in 1939. Notes on interview with Alberta Coleman, Piedmont, WV. Notes from interview with Opal Coates Carter, and other research notes, regarding Woolworth Fire, Charleston, WV, [ca. 1964s].
WV Black Schools, c.1986
Compilation, by R. Charles Byers, of resources regarding WV black schools.
Integration, Undated
Annotated pages for "Integration in West Virginia"
Two Saint Say, 2008
Newspaper article about the play Two Saint Say and its performance.
Two Saint Say, ca. 2008
"Historical Information Re: Milly, Enslaved Black Woman on Whom the Character, OAGE, in Toussaint Say Is Based" Handwritten research notes.
Wade in the Water, 2009
Manuscript for "Wade in the Water: a Play in One Act" by Ancella R. Bickley. Correspondence regarding performance.