Box 68
Contains 20 Results:
Folk Medicine (articles and clippings about medicine and remedies), 1984-1995
File — Box: 68, Folder: 1
Men (prints, negatives of unidentified men from Summers County, West Virginia), ca. 1960-1977
File — Box: 68, Folder: 2
ca. 1960-1977
Men (prints, negatives of unidentified men from Summers County, West Virginia), ca. 1950-2000
File — Box: 68, Folder: 3
ca. 1950-2000
Men (prints, negatives of unidentified men from Summers County, West Virginia), ca. 1900-1977
File — Box: 68, Folder: 4
ca. 1900-1977
Mercer Salt Works (negatives, typescripts, manuscripts; notes and articles about Mercer Salt Works history), ca. 1980s
File — Box: 68, Folder: 5
ca. 1980s
Messer (prints, negatives of Curt Messer, touring bus, bicycles), ca. 1976-1985
File — Box: 68, Folder: 8
ca. 1976-1985
Military Records (prints, negatives, newspaper clippings; photos of veterans, national guard members, active military, Army Air Jumpers, Hinton Veteran's Museum; article about USS Cole Bombing; calendars with photos for Veteran's Museum), ca. 1945-2011
File — Box: 68, Folder: 9
ca. 1945-2011
Mineral Springs (typescripts; articles and historical information about White Sulphur Springs, Sweet Springs, Red Sulphur Springs, Minnehaha Springs, Blue Sulphur Springs, Healing Springs, Averill Springs, Mineral Springs, Alvon Springs, archaeological reports about WV Mineral Springs), ca. 1850-1990
File — Box: 68, Folder: 10
ca. 1850-1990