Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 4711
Admiral Thomas J. Lopez Papers
Papers of Admiral Thomas J. Lopez of the United States Navy. Includes biographical and historical information, speeches, correspondence, media, artifacts, and awards and framed items.
Adolphus DeBussey, Soldier, Civil War Letters
Adolphus P. Howard Papers
Articles of co-partnership between Adolphus Howard and J. Wilson Howard, Wellsville, N. Y., and Adolphus P. Howard, Hancock County, West Virginia, for the establishment of a tannery.
Adolphus P. Howard Papers
Adolphus P. Howard Papers
A.E. Lewis Sash and Door Company Records
Aegerter Family Genealogy
Genealogy of the Aegerter family of Helvetia, West Virginia, written in German. Material covers the years 1760-1968.
African American Photographic Portraits
Twenty-four tintypes and six paper photographic prints featuring formal portraits of mostly African Americans. Includes two tintypes and three prints of Caucasian women. All subjects are unidentified except for Mrs. Null and her daughter Hilda on a print dated October 1953. On evidence of the clothing, the tintypes appear to date from the 1880s. This collection was found in Jefferson County, West Virginia.
Agnes Smith (1906-1994), Author, Correspondence, Manuscripts, and Publications
Agnes Smith (1906-1994), Author, Literary Manuscripts
Literary manuscripts authored by Agnes Clifford Smith, an award winning author of two published children's books and a published book of essays. The collection includes short stories, a novella, a play, and other material. There are also two short story manuscripts by West Virginia author Melville Davisson Post. This collection is unprocessed. See scope and content note for more detail.