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Civil War - Union soldiers.

Subject Source: Unspecified ingested source

Found in 18 Collections and/or Records:

Charles H. Ruggles Civil War Letter regarding Prisoners Taken by Mosby's Rangers

Collection Number: A&M 1147
Overview Letter written by Charles H. Ruggles to a Mr. Lossing (possibly Benson J. Lossing), dated 26 November 1864. Ruggles asks Lossing to inquire of Colonel Milford at Fortress Monroe regarding the location and status of Majors David Ruggles and Edwin Moore, Union Army paymasters who had been taken prisoner by Mosby's Rangers during the Greenback Raid on the railroad between Harpers Ferry and Martinsburg on 14 October 1864. Collection contains a user copy. Please see "Historical Note" for further...
Dates: 1864

Charles Smitley, Civil War Veteran, Letter Regarding Pension Claim

Collection Number: A&M 1480
Overview Photostat copy of a letter written by Charles W.D. Smitley of Burlington, Lawrence County, Ohio, a Civil War veteran, to former Union General Franz Sigel, dated 6 January 1887. Smitley, a veteran of the 2nd West Virginia Infantry and the 5th West Virginia Cavalry, had his pension claim rejected for want of evidence and wrote to Sigel, his former commanding officer, to petition for his help. Smitley provides a detailed account of his service as a scout and the conditions under which he...
Dates: 1887

Civil War Diary Transcriptions and Related Material of Captain George W. Johnson, 11th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Collection Number: A&M 4538
Scope and Contents Transcription of the Civil War diaries of Captain George Johnson of the 11th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. George Johnson was about 35 years old when he enlisted in the 11th Ohio Infantry in June 1861 and served in Companies A and K until late December 1863. The transcription was completed by his descendant, Robert K. Johnson, in 2011, and includes the transcription of seven diaries from mid-1861 through December 1863. His diaries include candid descriptions of camp life and...
Dates: 1861-1863; 2009-2011

Civil War Enlistment Records, Substitutions from Harrison County

Collection Number: A&M 4021

Records of men enlisted as substitutes and of men exempted from military service for providing a substitute. The records regard men mustered into the Union Army in Harrison County, West Virginia. Most of the records are written on official stationery and a few are handwritten. Records include dates of enlistment, names and physical descriptions of substitutes, names of exempted men, and signatures of a Provost Marshal or other officer.

Dates: 1865

Civil War Recruitment Records, Harrison County

Collection Number: A&M 4020
Overview Records documenting the enlistment of men into the Union Army in Harrison County, West Virginia. Some of the records are written on official stationery (mainly from the Chief Mustering and Disbursing Office or the Provost Marshal's Office) and others are handwritten. Some of the records indicate that the man who enlisted was serving as a substitute for another individual. Records include dates of enlistment, names of enlisted men and recruiting officers, and value of payments made upon...
Dates: 1864

Civil War Soldier's Letter, Menu, and Campaign Ribbon

Collection Number: A&M 0900

A Civil War soldier's letter to his brother from Camp Hill, Harper's Ferry, (West) Virginia, 1863 February 28; a Christmas menu from Hill's Central Hotel, Parkersburg, West Virginia, ca. 1879; and a campaign ribbon from the West Virginia Democratic State Convention, Parkersburg, West Virginia 1892 July 27, the printing on the ribbon reads "Sweeney for State Supt. of Free Schools".

Dates: 1863, 1879, 1892

Frank Smith Reader, Soldier, Civil War Diary

Collection Number: A&M 1720
Overview Diary of Frank Smith Reader of Brighton, Pennsylvania, who was a private in the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry, Company I. The diary covers the period of 10 March to 25 June 1864 and contains ca. 80 pp. Reader, for the period covered by this diary, was on detached duty from his regiment, serving as a clerk at General Franz Sigel's and General David Hunter's headquarters in Martinsburg, Cumberland, and in the field. Reader participated in the Valley Campaigns of 1864 and was present at the...
Dates: 1864

George W. Hadley, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Papers

Collection Number: A&M 2841
Scope and Contents Contains the papers of George W. Hadley, who served in different Ohio units during the Civil War. His service included his time as a musician in the 55th Ohio Volunteer Infantry from October 1861-August 1862, voluntary member of the “Squirrel Hunters” militia that defended Cincinnati, Ohio, in September 1862, and service in the 11th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry from July 1863-August 12, 1863, upon his death by accidental drowning. According to the family, Hadley rolled off a raft into the Missouri...
Dates: 1862-1895, 1927, 2006-2018

Greene County Soldiers and Sailors Monument, Documents Regarding Refurbishing

Collection Number: A&M 4349
Content Description

Documents regarding the Greene County Soldiers and Sailors Monument located in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania. The monument was constructed 1888-1889 to honor local veterans of the Civil War. Contains photocopies of historic articles and publications regarding the monument; an outline plan for refurbishing the monument; and a 5 November 2004 copy of the "Greene County Messenger" newspaper with a front page article regarding the refurbishing project.

Dates: 2004

Isaac W. Scherich, Civil War Soldier, Memoirs

Collection Number: A&M 4034
Overview Civil war memoirs of Isaac W. Scherich of Greene County, Pennsylvania (1844-1928), who served with the 18th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry from 1862 to 1865. Scherich is spelled Scherick in official military records. Memoirs consist of a photocopy of the original typescript, which describes the history of Scherich's regiment and his involvement in various Civil War battles, including Hanover, Gettysburg, and Opequan Creek. Memoirs also recount Scherich's personal history and life...
Dates: 1916-1957; Majority of material found in 1916