A voter’s affidavit signed by M.W. Haymond of Fairmont, West Virginia in October of 1865. The affidavit is subscribed and stamped by John J. Moore, Justice of the Peace. While the document is titled “Voter’s Affidavit”, such a document may also be referred to as an “oath of allegiance” or “loyalty oath”. These were used by the Federal Government to certify that the signer was loyal to the Union and had not fought for or otherwise aided the Confederacy.... This particular version of the document was signed roughly six months after the end of the Civil War and includes additional language obligating loyalty to the constitution of the State of West Virginia.
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A voter’s affidavit signed by M.W. Haymond of Fairmont, West Virginia in October of 1865. While the document is titled “Voter’s Affidavit”, such a document may also be referred to as an “oath of allegiance” or “loyalty oath”. These were used by the Union to certify that the signer had not fought for or otherwise aided the Confederacy.
West Virginia and Regional History Center / West Virginia University / 1549 University Avenue / P.O. Box 6069 / Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 / Phone: 304-293-3536 / Fax: 304-293-3981 / URL: https://wvrhc.lib.wvu.edu/
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