Title: Glastonbury Abbey, England; control no.: 4; negative made: 1986; print made: 1987; dimensions: 10 1/4 in. x 13 3/4 in., 1986–1987, Box: 1. Sam McColloch, Photographer, Photographic Prints, A&M 3771. West Virginia and Regional History Center.
Cite Item Description
Title: Glastonbury Abbey, England; control no.: 4; negative made: 1986; print made: 1987; dimensions: 10 1/4 in. x 13 3/4 in., 1986–1987, Box: 1. Sam McColloch, Photographer, Photographic Prints, A&M 3771. West Virginia and Regional History Center. https://archives.lib.wvu.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/156561 Accessed December 23, 2024.