Scope and Contents
This folder contains correspondence with: Edwin F. Flowers, Commissioner, Department of Welfare; Dominick A. Barron, Area Director, Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Clarksburg, West Virginia; C.S. Collier, Jr., Director, Department of Veterans’ Affairs; N.H Dyer, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Department of Health; Carolyn M. Rutherford, Chairman, West Virigina Roster Committee, American Association of University Women; Robert Rutherford, President, Webster County Business, Inc.; M.W. Smith, Commissioner, Department of Banking; Edward H. Post, Executive Secretary, State Road Commission; Robert M. Ball, Commissioner of Social Security, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social Security Administration; Robert H. Mollohan, House of Representatives, Washington D.C.; Richard Nixon, President; George H. Seibert, Jr., House of Delegate, West Virginia; Clement R. Bassett, Commissioner, Department of Employment Security; Richard I. Dailey, Commissioner, State Tax Department. Topics include: food stamps, Veteran’s Affairs pension, campaigns, mine safety, elections, Marshall University medical school, Southern Regional Health Demonstration Area, landfills, state board recommendations, West Virginia University, information request, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, legal matter, payroll, Department of Public Safety, employment, food stamps, Department of Banking, Huttonsville Correction Center, pollution, Workmen’s Compensation Department, State Committee of Barbers and Beauticians, Department of Commerce, legislation, teachers salary, Workmen’s Compensations Statues, Moundsville Housing Authority, letter of recommendation, road conditions, campus unrest, aid to non-public education, tax code, and Social Security.
- Creation: 1969-1973
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Repository Details
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository
1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US