Scope and Contents
This folder contains correspondence with: Philip L. Browning, Director of the Office of Fraud Abuse and Overpayments in the Department of Human Resources of the State of Alabama; Raymond C. Brown, Director of the US Department of Justice; Rexford Brown, Education Commission of the States; Colonel Robert D. Brown III, District Engineer of the United States Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District; Robert Brown, Chairman of the Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Council of the Interstate Planning Commission. Topics include: Human Services, Balanced Budget Amendment, West Virginia Association of Retired School Employees, US Department of Justice, Corrections, Education, Annual ECS James Bryant Conant Award, Commerce, Manufacturing Facility, Highways, Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Control, Greenbrier River Basin.
- Creation: 1985-1988
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Repository Details
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository
1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US