Scope and Contents
This folder contains correspondence with Marshall Loeb, Managing Editor of FORTUNE; Tom Loeffler, U.S. Representative from Texas; Tom Loehr, WV State Senate; Donavon C. Loeslie, president of the Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers; Mary Martha Merritt, Commissioner of the Worker's Compensation Fund; V. Truett Loftin, president / CEO of the Ormsby House; Mark S. Spurlock, Arthur E. Kirkendoll, Jack Robertson, Logan County Commissioners. The topics include: Homelessness in Philadelphia, tax reform, health insurance, Department of Highways, Oil Overcharge Settlement, WV Board of Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety, Department of Public Safety, Job Training Partnership Act, NGA – Electricity Transmission, Glass Industry Assistance Program, Conference for Young Political Leaders, agriculture report, Worker's Compensation Fund, flood relief, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission, black fly, Department of Agriculture, Pocahontas Memorial Hospital staff from WVU to help with Recovery, energy, mining fatality, Public Service, GOCID – C&P Telephone Co., Travel Development (GOECD), Logan General Hospital Project, Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Logan Mingo Area Mental Health, Partnership/Northway Retaining Wall.
- Creation: 1985-1988
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Repository Details
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository
1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US