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Interviews with Tony Constatine, Morgantown Post Sports Editor

 Digital Record
Collection Number: 3710_audio_borndig_materials

Conditions Governing Access

Researchers may access digitized materials by requesting to view the materials in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at


17.49 Gigabytes (63 .wav files)

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General Note

These compact discs have have an unclear relationship to the 27 cassettes in the collection. Though there are 27 cassettes (numbered 1-26, with 8a appearing in addition to 8), there are 30 compact discs. Compact discs 27-29 have more detailed track information available by clicking on the relevant disc's description in this record.

Repository Details

Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository

1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US