Records of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity (PSK). Includes correspondence, reports, financial material, printed material, clippings, and slides. Most of the material relates to PSK's Delta Chapter at WVU, and includes officers' reports, correspondence and records of house maintenance and refurnishing, financial records (e.g., insurance papers, tax records, ledgers), manuals for officers and advisers, meeting minutes, and newsletters. An addendum of 2014/06... includes printed material, photographs, and scrapbooks.
Additional topics include PSK's Psi Tetarton Chapter at Waynesburg College in Pennsylvania; PSK's colonization of Salem College in West Virginia; and U.S. Army courses. Highlights include color slides labeled "Meredith, J."; (undated); a binder including meeting minutes of the Phi Sigma Kappa Mothers Club and Ladies Auxilliary (1940s); early correspondence (1906-1942); a sectional map of part of 5th Ward (Willey-Fife-North High Street), Morgantown, WV (April 1950); and a Delta Chapter roll, listing those initiated from 1891-1970.
There is also printed instruction material for a correspondence course of the U.S. Army Artillery and Missile School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma (ca. 1968-1969), and for an extension course of the U.S. Army Intelligence School (ca. 1963-1969). These materials document activities of Vaughn L. Kiger, a member of Phi Sigma Kappa, West Virginia University (WVU) class of 1966. They can be found in box 1.
This collection is minimally processed.
Addendum of 2014/06/17 includes printed material, photographs, and scrapbooks. The printed material includes a "Songs of Phi Sigma Kappa" booklet (1954) and issues of The Signet, Phi Sigma Kappa's magazine (1960-1968, 1991). Photographs include Delta Chapter composites and two photos of Governor Howard M. Gore. Scrapbooks include clippings, photos, and lists of members and guests at various Delta Chapter events (ca. 1935-49, 1958-1966). See below for contents list.
Contents List of 2014-06 Addendum:
Box 5; folder 1; Material from Donovan Bond (includes a "Songs of Phi Sigma Kappa" booklet from 1954); 1954-1995
Box 5; folder 2; PSK Centennial Celebration Video Order Form; ca. 1991
Box 5; folder 3; PSK Alumni Leaders 1891 to 1998 Report; 1998
Box 5; folder 4; Fraternity Month issue; December 1956
Box 5; folder 5; The Signet, various issues; 1960-1964
Box 5; folder 6; The Signet, various issues; 1965-1966
Box 5; folder 7; The Signet, various issues; 1967-1968, 1991
Box 6; folder 1; PSK Composite Photos of Delta Chapter (Vaughn Kiger was chapter advisor in 1969); 1966, 1969, 2003-2004
Box 6; folder 2; Photograph of Howard M. Gore; undated
Box 6; unfoldered; Framed Portrait of Governor Howard M. Gore (includes handwritten note on matting: "To my fraternity brothers in Phi Sigma Kappa. Sincerely, Howard M. Gore"); ca. 1924
Box 6; unfoldered; Phi Sigma Kappa's Delta Chapter Scrapbook (fragile; includes newspaper clippings, photographs, and lists of members and guests who attended various events through the years); ca. 1935-1949
Box 7; unfoldered; Phi Sigma Kappa's Delta Chapter Scrapbook (includes newspaper clippings, photographs, and signatures from attendees of various events); ca. 1958-1966
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5.1 Linear Feet (5 ft. 1 in. (3 record cartons, 15 in. each); (2 document cases, 2 1/2 in. each); (1 flat storage box, 6 in.); (1 flat storage box, 5 in.))
Records of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity (PSK). Includes correspondence, reports, financial material, printed material, clippings, and slides. Most of the material relates to PSK's Delta Chapter at WVU, and includes officers' reports, correspondence and records of house maintenance and refurnishing, financial records (e.g., insurance papers, tax records, ledgers), manuals for officers and advisers, meeting minutes, and newsletters. An addendum of 2014/06 includes printed material, photographs, and scrapbooks. For more detail, please consult the Scope and Content Note.
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