West Virginia Library Association (WVLA) records, including correspondence, committee reports, treasurer's reports and records, executive board minutes, annual conference minutes, old constitutions and bylaws, membership records, financial records, and photographs.
Addendum of 1993/12/11 includes membership and public relations files including lists, reports, and budget requests plus two membership receipt books of the WVLA. (1979-1990; 3 in.)
Addendum of 2002/08/22 includes WVLA records, such as correspondence, membership directories, legislative files, conference files, etc. Also includes conference records of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Library Federation, miscellaneous American Library Association records, and brochures on local attractions in Harpers Ferry. (1983-1985; 0.8 ft.)
Addendum of 2003/09/30 includes WVLA records, such as minutes, reports, committee records, financial records, newsletters, and five VHS tapes (regarding literacy program, etc.). (1989-2001; 1.4 ft.)
Addendum of 2004/11/8 contains a directory of West Virginia Special Libraries. (2004; 0.01 ft.)
Addendum of 2005/05/13 includes administrative records of the WVLA, such as correspondence, photographs, and newsletters (1985-2000; 4.5 ft.)
Addendum of 2005/09/02 includes administrative records of the WVLA; contains files of the Intellectual Freedom Committee (1999-2000) and file on children's internet protection (2001). (1999-2001; 0.2 ft.)
Addendum of 2006/10/25 includes administrative records of the WVLA, such as constitution, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, financial records, and a few records regarding conference site selection. (1994-2005; 5 in.)
Addendum of 2009/01/23 includes administrative records and publications, such as records on internet access and faculty status. There are also 104 digital photographs of WVLA Conference (2005), West Virginia University [WVU] Library Faculty Assembly award reception (2004), and WVU Libraries "Orientation" (2003-2004). (1979-2008; 10 in.)
Addendum of 2013/02/26 includes administrative records pertaining to the WVLA president, executive board, committees, divisions, roundtables, workshops, and conference during the year of Pamela Ford's presidency. (1991-1992; 5 in.)
Addendum of 2013/07/29 includes administrative records of the WVLA, including constitution and by-laws, correspondence, minutes, reports, financial records, membership files, conference records, and records of intellectual freedom committee. (1955-1976; 10 in.)
Addendum of 2014/11/05 includes chiefly materials used by chairs of the Special Libraries Division, ca. 1997-2005. Contents of these binders includes WVLA constitution and bylaws, WVLA executive board records, financial records, and correspondence. Highlights include multiple editions of the WVLA Special Libraries Division directory, conference material, and a Special Libraries Division needs assessment survey. (ca. 1997-2005; 11 in.)
Addendum of 2014/12 contains WVLA's State Treasury claim form and supplemental materials. (2014; 1/4 in.)
Addendum of 2015/01/29 includes WVLA Executive Board meeting minutes from 2002-2011. (2000-2011; 8 in.)
Addendum of 2017/11/14 includes WVLA Executive Board meeting minutes and reports from 2011-2015, as well as digital files including documents from the WVLA website, ca. 2004-2012. (2004-2015; 5 in., 1.7 GB)
Addendum of 2018/07/06 includes WVLA Handbook of Organization (2011) and "Strong School Libraries Build Strong Students" brochure (2014).
Addendum of 2021/11/23 includes registration forms and schedules for the West Virginia Library Association (WVLA) Spring Fling 2000 at the Days Inn in Flatwoods, WV; papers of the West Virginia Library Association (WVLA) including correspondence, memoranda, reports, conference material, etc. (1992-1994); and 6 issues of the periodical West Virginia Libraries (1978-1981) (5 in.).
Requires signed form.
Researchers may access born digital materials by requesting to view the materials in person by appointment or remotely by contacting the West Virginia & Regional History Center reference department at https://westvirginia.libanswers.com/wvrhc.
Permission to publish or reproduce is required from the copyright holder. For more information, please see the Permissions and Copyright page on the West Virginia and Regional History Center website.
28.92 Linear Feet (28 ft. 11 in. 14 document cases, 5 in. each; 2 document cases, 2.5 in. each; 14 record cartons, 15 in. each; 1 large flat storage box, 4 in.; 1 folder, 0.25 in.; 33 reels of microfilm, 1.75 in. each)
1.73 Gigabytes (6595 digital files)
West Virginia Library Association (WVLA) records, including correspondence, committee reports, treasurer's reports and records, executive board minutes, annual conference minutes, old constitutions and bylaws, membership records, financial records, and photographs. For descriptions of addenda, please see the Scope and Content Note.
West Virginia and Regional History Center / West Virginia University / 1549 University Avenue / P.O. Box 6069 / Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 / Phone: 304-293-3536 / Fax: 304-293-3981 / URL: https://wvrhc.lib.wvu.edu/
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository