This collection consists of 38 feedsacks, feedsack textiles, and items made from feedsack textiles. Feedsacks were manufactured with dress goods quality textiles in the period 1925-1960, so although they were used for the distribution of animal feed, flour, beans, etc., they were frequently repurposed for the creation of household and clothing items, especially during World War II and after. This collection represents a wide variety of feedsack types,... purposes, and uses.
Series include:
Series 1a. Background Material, ca. 1925-2019, box 1
Series 1b. Feedsacks, ca. 1925-1960s, boxes 1-4
Series 2. Feedsack Textiles, ca. 1925-1960s, boxes 5-7
Series 3. Items Made from Feedsack Textile, ca. 1925-1960s, boxes 7-8
Series 4. Embroidery, ca. 1925-1960s, box 9
Series 5. Clothing, ca. 1925-1960s, boxes 10-11
Series 1a includes background material provided by the collector, including a patent for dressgoods feedsack textile, a bibliography of important sources, etc.
Series 1b includes fully-intact printed and non-printed feedsacks from a variety of sources.
Series 2 includes printed and non-printed feedsack textiles, or feedsacks with the seams removed for repurposing) from a variety of sources.
Series 3 includes items made from feedsack textile, including bedsheets, bibs, potholders, and other such items.
Series 4 includes feedsack textiles fashioned into handembroidered tea towels.
Series 5 includes clothing made from feedsack textiles, including a women's dress and apron and a men's nightshirt (boxes 10-11).
No special access restriction applies.
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3.38 Linear Feet (3 ft. 4.5 in. (2 medium flat storage boxes, 3.5 in. each [21 in. x 17 in. x 3.5 in.]; 2 medium flat storage boxes, 3.5 in. each [25 in. x 21 in. x 3.5 in.]; 1 large flat storage box, 3 in. [31.5 in. x 23.5 in. x 3 in.]; 3 large flat storage boxes, 1.5 in. each [37 in. x 13 in. x 1.5 in.]; 1 large textile box, 6 in. [50 in. x 16.5 in. x 6 in.]; 2 large textile boxes, 6.5 in. each [61 in. x 23 in. x 6.5 in.]))
West Virginia and Regional History Center / West Virginia University / 1549 University Avenue / P.O. Box 6069 / Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 / Phone: 304-293-3536 / Fax: 304-293-3981 / URL:
Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository