Box III.E. - 19
Contains 34 Results:
AFSCME [American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees] internal video: "Fighting Back", 1995 August 4
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0458
Scope and Contents
Notes: TRT=9:58. Videocassette label includes "Fingerhut, Powers, Smith & Associates, Inc." and "David Sandretti & Phil Smith, Producers." Includes pamphlet from Save America's Families Coalition.
1995 August 4
NARAL [National Abortion Rights Action League] Dateline — "Late-Term Abortions", 1995 December 7
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0456
1995 December 7
A Conversation with America's Families — sponsored by the National Policy Council, 1996 August 24
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0451
1996 August 24
A Conversation with America's Families — sponsored by the National Policy Council, 1996 August 24
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0482
1996 August 24
ABC news: Khamisiyah — CNN, ABC, NBC: Khamisiyah, 1997 March 18, 1997 April 9, 1997 April 9
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0477
Scope and Contents
Network(s): ABC, CNN, NBC.
1997 March 18, 1997 April 9; 1997 April 9
Byrd comments on JDR birthday — JDR on floor during budget debate — Fletchers on 'Burden of Proof' — JDR and Riley Computers in Schools Event, 1997 March 24; 1997 June 18, 26; 1997 July 8, 1997 June 18, 1997 June 26, 1997 July 8
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0476
Scope and Contents
Place(s): Washington, D.C.
1997 March 24; 1997 June 18, 26; 1997 July 8; 1997 June 18; 1997 June 26; 1997 July 8
Lehrer NewsHour on Rockefeller-Chafee bill (Medicaid CHIPS bill), 1997 May 6
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0467
Scope and Contents
Program(s): NewsHour. Network(s): PBS.
1997 May 6
Burden of Proof: Fletcher Circus — Braves 9th and 10th inning — McDumbers on CNN — Pentagon admission of more K[h]amisiyah Persian Gulf War exposures — JDR on Senate Floor: budget debate/Universal Service, 1997 July 16, 21, 24, 1997 July 21, 1997 July 24
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0479
Scope and Contents
Network(s): CNN. Place(s): Washington, D.C.
1997 July 16, 21, 24; 1997 July 21; 1997 July 24
JDR — Alzheimer's PSAs, 1997 September
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0475
Scope and Contents
Notes: Videocassette label includes U.S. Senate logo.
1997 September
JDR visits Wheeling-Pitt[sburgh] Steel, 1997 September 29
Item — Box: III.E. - 19
Collection Number: 4050_vhs_0480
Scope and Contents
Network(s): WSTV, WTRF-TV, CBS. Place(s): Wheeling, West Virginia.
1997 September 29