Box II.F. - 48
Contains 17 Results:
Garrett A-Z, 1985-1988
Garr-Garz, 1985-1988
Gas-Gaz, 1985-1988
Gas-Gaz, 1985-1988
Gates A-Z, 1985-1988
This folder contains correspondence with: Charles Gates, Chairman and CEO, Gates Company; Leslie Gate, President, Beckley Renaissance, Inc.; and Robert Gates, President, West Virginia Filmmakers Guild. Topics include: industrial development, finance and administration, natural resources, motor vehicles, culture history, and legislative issues.
Gb-Geq, 1985-1988
Gb-Geq, 1985-1988
This folder contains correspondence with: Larry Gelhaar, President, Correctional Products and Services, Inc.; Raymond Buttacvoli, Regional Manager, Industry-Government Relations Staff, General Motors Corporation; Robert Lesino, Business Services Officer, General Services Administration; Glen Gainer, West Virginia State Auditor; and Richard Gephart, U.S. House of Representatives. Topics include: finance and administration, highways, veterans affairs, and corrections.
Gee, Gordon, 1985
This folder contains correspondence with: E. Gordon Gee, President, West Virginia University.
George, 1985-1988
This folder contains correspondence with: Gloria George, News Editor, The Herald-Mail Company; Pat Farrone, Executive Director, George Junior Republic Residential Treatment Facility; and Larry George, President, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy. Topics include: highways, flood damage, workers’ compensation, natural resources, public service commission, motor vehicles, lottery, economic development, Kammer Plant, human services, culture and history, and commission on aging.