Box II.F. - 52
Contains 16 Results:
Grb-Grh, 1985-1988
The Greenbrier, 1986-1987
This folder contains correspondence with: Shirley Griffith, Executive Office Manager.
Topics include: Correspondence about sending Christmas Cards from the Governor to staff members and clinic doctors of the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia.
Greenwald, Alan, 1985-1988
This folder contains correspondence with Alan J. Greenwald, Deputy Under Secretary for Intergovernmental Relations, U.S. Department of Housing and Development.
Topics include: Community and Industrial Development, Urban Development Action Grants, Community Development Block Grants, Tax-Exempt Bonds, Project Self-Sufficiency, the Ford Foundation, Tax Reform Bill of October 1986, Liability Insurance, Human Services, and Community Development Trading Group.
Greathouse, A-Z, 1985-1988
This folder contains correspondence with: Carroll A. Greathouse, President, International Venture Capital Institute, Inc., and Ewell Greathouse, Manager, Monarch Rubber Company, Inc.
Topics include: Highways, Community and Industrial Development, State Tax Credits for Venture Capital Club, West Virginia Capital Company Act, Employment, Highways, Education, Aging, Human Services, and Worker's Compensation Fund.
Gordon, A-Z, 1985-1988
Gov-Goz (including governor programs and remarks), 1985-1988
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings legislation , 1986
Graham, 1985-1988
Graham , 1985-1988
Graham, Bob (Governor of Florida) , 1985-1988
Topics include: Cooperative Association for States of Scholarship, Education, Prison Industries, Department of Corrections, State Scanning Network, Health, Florida's Biennial Budget, Natural Resources, Environmental Land Acquisition, Latin American/Caribbean Scholarship, Public Safety, and National Governors Association.