Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 4711
Alan B. Mollohan, Congressman, Letter to Supporters Regarding Loss in Primary Election
Six page letter from West Virginia Congressman Alan B. Mollohan to his supporters regarding historical background to and reasons for his loss in the primary election of 2010.
Alan Clarke Railroad Research Papers
Albert Blakeslee White (1856-1941) Papers
Albert H. Toothman, Author and Compiler, 'My Wetzel Connection'
Albert M. Reese (1872-1965) Papers
Albert M. Reese (1872-1965) Papers
These papers contain some correspondence of General John R. Kenly concerning his Civil War career and his book on the War with Mexico and includes a copy of a letter from General Burnside. There are also two newspaper articles, one on the Baltimore fire of 1904 and the other on the USS Constitution.
Albert M. Reese Papers
Certificates of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 1922, and the War Production Board, 1945, awarded to A.M. Reese; also a program of the Flag Day services held in Morgantown, June 18, 1944.
Albert Moore Reese, Zoology Professor, Miscellaneous Items
Papers of Albert Moore Reese, Sr, longtime zoology professor at West Virginia University. This collection includes WVU memorabilia, books and reprints by Albert Moore Reese, and photos of Reese and Reese's spelunking trips, and clippings of articles by Reese and others.
Alberta Pierson Hannum (b.1906) Manuscripts
Manuscripts of LOOK BACK WITH LOVE and PAINT THE WIND, galley proof of THURSDAY APRIL, and copies of Hannum publications. Hannum, born in Ohio and a 1929 graduate of Ohio State University, has lived in West Virginia since 1929. She received an honorary doctorate from West Virginia University in 1968 for her writings on the Southern Highlands, the best known of which is ROSEANNA McCOY.
Alex Welch Survey Papers
This collection includes several papers of Alex Welch's survey business, 1786-1801. Surveys were done for William Hunter Cavendish, Adonijah Matthews, Warder, Parker, and Company and William Morrow. The geographical locations include several places in Greenbrier and Kanawha counties in Virginia.