Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 4714
Allen Family Papers
Almanacs published by The Sun, Baltimore, Maryland.
Almanacs of Braxton County
Almanacs of Braxton county for 1924 and 1926 published by The Braxton Democrat, Sutton, W. Va.
Alpha Delta Kappa, Psi Chapter, Scrapbooks
Scrapbooks of the presidents of Psi Chapter, Alpha Delta Kappa, an International Honorary Teachers Sorority. Contains newsclippings, brochures, photographs and typed documents of the organizations' convention and state officers.
Alpheus B. Stickney, Compiler, Pierpont Family Genealogy
Alpheus Garrison Civil War Records
Civil War records of Capt. Alpheus Garrison, Co. E. 17th Regt., W. Va. Infantry. Garrison was later sheriff of Monongalia county and Postmaster at Pedlar Run. The collection contains county and post office receipts, as well as the papers of Jacob Myers (1804-1874), a local farmer whose estate Garrison administered. For a photograph of Garrison and his wife, see portrait file.
Alston Gordon Dayton, Collector, Congressional Autographs
Autographs of members of the House of Representatives, the Fifty-sixth Congress (1899) collected by Alston Gordon Dayton, the representative from West Virginia's second district.
Alston Gordon Dayton Papers
Alston Gordon Dayton Papers
Collection contains Dayton’s appointment certificate in the West Virginia University’s Corps of Cadets (1878), newspaper articles containing speeches delivered by Dayton, copies and notes for speeches and lectures, notebooks, and an inventory of books owned by Dayton. Ephemera within the collection includes the 1898 report of the “New England Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania,” and programs from the West Virginia Republican Association and the New York County Lawyers Association.
Alston Gordon Dayton Papers
Letters of condolence received by Arthur S. Dayton and Mrs. Dayton on the death of Judge A. G. Dayton, 30 July 1920; an issue of The Philippi Republican, 5 August 1920, containing an Obituary notice; and nineteen envelopes of newspaper clippings and editorial comment from West Virginia newspapers on Judge Dayton's death.