- keyword(s): penitentiary
Showing Results: 21 - 30 of 97
Item 005-005c: Sisler, W. W. (?) to C. L. Enos regarding forgery of fingerprints in the country. From the Leavenworth, Kansas U. S. Penitentiary, author as Record Clerk.; 1page; DF 598, undated
Holliday, Robert K. (WV Senator), 1985-1988
Series 2. Miscellaneous (box 1), 1908, 1912, undated
This series includes assorted pamphlets, poems, and other material, mainly regarding the Moundsville Penitentiary.
Marano, Charles, 1986
This folder contains correspondence with many constituents about the trial of Charles Marano, Executive Clemency, West Virginia Penitentiary, and bond.
Budget information, 1971-1973
This folder contains topics on: Spending Agency, West Virginia Penitentiary, budget requests, future project proposals
Gas-Gaz, 1985-1988
Web- Webz, 1985-1988
Topics include: Motor Vehicles, Community and Industrial Development, Workers Compensation Fund, Highways, Human Services, National Guard, Education, Public Broadcasting, Corrections, Moundsville Penitentiary, Natural Resources.
Wom-Wood, 1985-1988
Topics include: Natural Resources, Motor Vehicles, Human Services, Highways, Health, Department of Corrections, Education Legislature, Moundsville Penitentiary, Liability Insurance, Abortion, Education, Energy, Workers Compensation Fund.