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Series 11. Digital Materials and Printed Computer Files, 1984-1993 October 26


Scope and Contents

Contains academic and professional documents printed from Baker’s 5 ¼ and 3 ½ inch floppy diskettes, as well as a series of short stories written by his mother, Ernestine Magagna Baker.


  • Creation: 1984-1993 October 26


Files were printed and arranged in the order they were present on the disk.

Processing Information

Note to user regarding the 5.25 floppy disk material: In many instances, modern programs are unable to convert older systems. When the file conversion was not optimal, it is believed that all text was retained but the original formatting was lost. The loss of formatting interferes with retrieval of the text as it was originally written, making documents difficult to decipher. Some files were corrupted and therefore unreadable. Some files were not printed due to sensitivity issues. This is evidenced by floppies where the numerical order has been skipped. In most cases, files could be converted into a readable format and the original file names were retained. Original file name precedes document description. The original 5.25 inch floppy disks were not retained. The material for the other floppy disks is not yet available in analog form.

Repository Details

Part of the West Virginia and Regional History Center Repository

1549 University Ave.
P.O. Box 6069
Morgantown WV 26506-6069 US